Targeted Audience Dates and VenuesHow Contracts are Formed
- The reasons for using contracts
- Basic principles in contract formation
- Examples of formalities for contract formation
- Authority to sign a contract and the principles of agency
- Basic contractual structures
- Use of different types of contract for different business models
Main Contract Provisions and Associated Issues: Managing Risk
- Hierarchy of contract terms
- Warranty, Indemnity and Insurance provisions
- Distribution of risk and performance obligations
- Termination, suspension and force majeure
- Selecting the appropriate law to govern the contract
- Collateral warranties and entire agreement
Changes and Variations
- Changes to the contract
- Transfer of rights: assignment and novation
- Variation to the scope of work and variations clauses
- Controlling and managing change
- Minimising Claims and Disputes
- Delay and disruption
Standardising Contractual Documents and Securitising Performance
- Use of standard form contractual documents
- International standard form agreements
- Bonds, guarantees and letters of assurance
- Managing payment risk
- Reservation of ownership
- Remedies for default – rework, re-performance, damages, penalties and performance
Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management
- Using contracts to avoid disputes
- Tiered dispute resolution mechanisms
- The Contract clause to encourage negotiation
- Litigation and Arbitration
- Modern dispute resolution processes including mediation
- Course review and analysis