Targeted Audience Dates and VenuesUnderstanding the issues associated with shift working
- Shift Working Self-Assessment - How does your operation measure up?
- Communication
- Continuity of operation and Consistency of approach
- Benchmarking against world-class operations
- Shift-to-shift handover
- Fatigue and its consequences and other People issues
Sharing the specific issues of the course delegates
Effective Communications, Effective Shift Handover & Continuity of Operation
- Deliver effective management communication to all shifts
- Improve shift leader-team communications
- Develop effective interfaces across shifts
- Best practices for effective shift handover and Start of shift meetings
- Teamwork
- Effective standard operating procedures
- Training and developing Shift Teams
Developing Effective Shift Supervisors, Continuous Improvement/Kaizen in 24-Hour Operations
- Evolution of the role of supervisor
- Training and developing effective supervisors
- Benchmarking performance of supervisors
- Understanding CI
- Workplace organization, 5S and TPS
- Management visibility/GEMBA
Dealing with Fatigue, Pros and Cons of Different Shift Systems
- The body clock and circadian rhythms
- Causes of fatigue & Fatigue Countermeasures
- Ergonomics
- History of shift working
- Alternative Shift Schedules
- Analysis of delegates' shift schedules and issues
Dealing with People Issues on Shift
- Managing performance
- Dealing with poor performance
- Improving Motivation and Counseling
- Discipline
- Consistency of approach